7 noiembrie 2014

The result was announced today in Milan during the presentation of the CDP Italy 100 Climate Change
Report 2014, prepared by SDA-Bocconi with the support of IMQ, and focused on the ways in which the
100 biggest listed Italian companies face and manage climate change.
Pirelli’s commitment to investors and stakeholders in the challenging area of climate change can be seen
in its integration of environmental sustainability targets – both for products and processes - into the
Group’s Industrial Plan. Pirelli has set itself the goal of reducing rolling resistance by 40% for its car tyres,
by 20% in the truck segment and by 10% in motorcycles by 2020 compared with 2007. By the same
deadline, 2020, Pirelli plans to reduce specific CO2 emissions by 15% and the specific consumption of
energy in its factories by 18% compared with 2009.
Pirelli’s main global commitments in the area of Climate Change includes CDP Supply Chain, a
programme which in 2014 involved over 120 strategic suppliers in the quantification of benefits in
financial, reputational and risk management terms stemming from the correct management of its CO2
Pirelli has further underwritten, in the context of the Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group, the
“Trillion Tonne Communiqué”, a programme-document for the reduction of global emissions with the aim
of keeping the earth’s temperature rise within a 2° C limit. Pirelli also subscribed to “Road to Paris 2015”,
an international initiative which aims to promote the cooperation between the public and private sectors in
order to find shared solutions and policies to deal with climate change. The initiative resulted in Pirelli’s
signing of the international agreement on climate change (“Paris Declaration”) which will be underwritten
during the next worldwide meeting of the UNFCCC which will take place in the French capital in 2015.

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